Sunday, October 04, 2009

basically it is just the 4th day of October 2009...

Basically it is just like any other day in a year..
it is just a day in a months...
nothing much differ.. except numbers... last year... and this year...
that is all.

it is just me myself recognize that today should be special to me...
and again why? it is just a day...

Thanks Adam... for ur smile this morning... i knew it is also just another routine for you to give me a smile every morning...
and this year i m celebrating my 28th years of living with Allah's bless as a mother to Adam...Syukur..Alhamdulillah....

it is worth remembering its your birthday inside you...
never expect any from others... because it it just a day to remember that you was born.. not others...

Happy Birthday to me.....


maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

nooryusma said...

thanks... am stil trying ... learning to do better, dreaming of to be a good blog writer...