Saturday, September 20, 2014


Yeah... School Holiday again..
We have planned to have a picnic with our family friend so called geng 3K..
Perancangan manusia itu usaha,
perancangan Allah itu takdir...

All 3K has other commitment and important things to do..
so do us..
Adam was down to fever since last day of school,
as a mother, i m so please to see him with the condition...
to compliment him, i brought him to the office, at least he met few people rather than staying at taska..
after breakfast at pantry n had his medicine..

I have started my master class for the semester too..
and the busy weekend stating again...
so, on last sunday, 20th September 2014
we woke up early, it was a sunny day, rise and shine..
lets go picnic...
destination: Ulu Yam, of coz nearby rite...
At the same time my sister was on leave too on that day.
the more the merrier...

just prepare n pack egg sandwiches, the kids fav..
and along the way, we stop by at our fav makcik nasi lemak..
the easiest way and time consuming factor..

and our picnic was as ohsemm as we imagine...

Aida... last time when to Sunway lagoon, she was not blend with the environment..
and so during the 1st hour picnic.. tapi ratu main air kat toilet rumah ni..penakut!!..

Achik yg poyo taknak bergambar...

As usual.. Anis was the naturally blended by the nature and doing her on stuff herself..

my 3 precious 

There goes our picnic for Adam School Holiday...
Next time we better plan for something much happening than this ya..

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